NobleTec delivers powerful cloud services offering for ITaaS and multi-cloud ecosystem implementation and support. Our turnkey approach provides a multistage process that helps organizations seamlessly transition into the environment that best fits their needs. NobleTec Cloud Services incorporate the following workflow steps to ensure a seamless cloud adoption and migration process:

The NobleTec Probe appliance is deployed to assess the client’s current infrastructure, target workloads, and internal ecosystem. Based on the real-time analysis and data obtained, our team of highly certified architects and technicians formulate a plan suited to address client needs and future goals. Our team is completely vendor agnostic to ensure that the best solution is found. We analyze technologies across Azure, Google, AWS, and the less popular Data Center environments to determine the best and most cost-effective fit for the client’s migration and future infrastructure goals.

The vendor agnostic NobleTec procurement team seeks out suitable solutions based on the detailed suggestions provided in the Analysis and Planning Stage. We ensure that multiple options are presented at the best possible cost, including ROI breakdown. Our teams are experts in vendor processes and programs, ensuring that nothing is overlooked. NobleTec’s procurement team constantly engages with the manufacturers we partner with to stay educated and up to date on the latest technologies, promotions, and pricing.

NobleTec delivers a powerful and comprehensive multi-cloud migration solution that allows users to accelerate their cloud migrations while creating minimal disruption to internal operation processes. NobleTec’s cloud migration solution is designed from the ground up to be deployed quickly, scalable, and embedded throughout the customer’s environment.

Our team coordinates and assists with the planning, scheduling, workflow, migration-window management, testing, and setup of collaborative platform of enterprise cloud-migration process.

NobleTec’s methodologies, tools, and workflows are designed to deliver a successful cloud migration to any customer’s environment, regardless of scale.  We work with Enterprise clients with thousands of servers and SMB clients with a few dozen servers in their infrastructure.

Finally, the NobleTec team understands that complex workload migrations might not be achievable by the simple click of a button. Therefore, our clients are provided with the backing of an experienced 24x7x365 migration services team that delivers assisted migrations when necessary.

The NobleTec team provides a powerful multi-cloud orchestration and reporting solution. Through internal resources and vast national and international partnerships, NobleTec delivers management and monitoring of customer infrastructure during and after the migration process.

NobleTec solution can completely take over the monitoring and management of customer infrastructure or supplement pre-existing IT environments. The services of our highly certified staff are included in various plans and suited to the customer’s needs. With a broad network of monitoring hubs and NOCs across North America, we can supplement and help any environment in question.

Our flexible management portfolio offers a best-of-breed model that allows customers to choose unique solutions tailored to them instead of being forced into tiers or standard models.

NobleTec delivers a configurable SaaS platform that controls the integration of critical data from multiple clouds into your existing or planned IT Management Systems (ex: SM, Ticketing, CMDB, and Performance Management). We usually avoid the need for complex interface developments but are capable of launching development projects for multiple cloud-provider API’s if necessary. Custom integration is available on an as-needed basis to support participating cloud-providers.

NobleTec, through both internal capabilities and a vast network of existing partnerships, provides various tiers of post-migration support for Single and Multi-Cloud Infrastructures. These range from simple advisory and supplemental support tiers to complete and comprehensive outsourcing. Our solution is tailored to each customer individually, eliminating overprovisioning and unnecessary overspending in the post-migration stage.

NobleTec Cloud Services is a constantly evolving our offerings. We strive to be as advanced and as innovative as possible. We constantly develop new modern solutions and believe in working smarter by utilizing emerging technologies such as AI, augmented reality, quantum analytics, and robotics. With every new project we develop and complete, innovation and future technologies are always at the fore front of our thinking.

NobleTec Cloud Services allows customers to achieve a truly functional cloud adoption, migration, and management process. By utilizing the workflow stages of analysis, planning, design, procurement, migration, management, integration, support, and innovation, we ensure that our customers receive the most suitable solutions in their cloud and hybrid environments.

Through both internal resources and partnership with TierPoint, the NobleTec LLC team maintains the following Certifications:

• AOS: Advanced Server Platform Competency
• AOS: Advanced Server Platform Competency 2
• AOS: Gold Data Platform
• AOS: Gold Hosting: Combination 1
• AOS: Management and Virtualization Gold 3
• AOS: Management and Virtualization Silver 2
• AOS: Advanced Small Business Solution Provider2
• AOS: AOS Advanced Midmarket Solution Provider 2
• AOS: Application Development 3
• AOS: Application Development Gold
• AOS: Application Development Silver
• AOS: Application Integration 1
• AOS: Azure Managed Service Provider
• AOS: Cloud Platform
• AOS: Cloud Platform 1

• AOS: Data Platform 4
• AOS: Data Platform 5
• AOS: Datacenter Silver Competency
• AOS: Desktop Platform Competency
• AOS: Gold Application Integration 1
• AOS: Gold Collaboration and Content 1
• AOS: Gold Collaboration and Content 2
• AOS: Gold Identity and Security Competency 2
• AOS: Gold Intelligent Systems 1
• AOS: Gold Intelligent Systems 2
• AOS: Gold Management and Virtualization 5
• AOS: Gold Midmarket Solution Provider: Combination 2
• AOS: Gold OEM Competency
• AOS: Hosting Platform
• AOS: Identity & Access Gold 3

• AOS: Identity and Security Competency 1
• AOS: Management & Virtualization Gold 4
• AOS: SBSC Networking Solutions
• AOS: Server Platform Gold 3
• AOS: Server Platform Gold 4
• AOS: Silver Application Integration
• AOS: Silver Intelligent Systems 1
• AOS: Small Business Solution Provider Competency
• Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions
• Cloud Platform and Infrastructure
• Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
• Enterprise Administrator on Windows Server 2008
• MCNPS 2.0 – AOS: Information Worker Solutions Competency – Portals and Enterprise Content Management
• MCNPS 2.0 – AOS: OEM Hardware Solutions Competency – System Building

• MCNPS 2.0 – AOS: Small Business Specialist
• MCPS 2.0 – AOS: Competency – Server Platform Competency – Storage Solutions
• MCPS 2.0 – AOS: Competency- Midmarket Solution Provider
• MCPS 2.0 – AOS: Data Platform Competency
• MCPS 2.0 – AOS: Foundation Class Development
• MCPS 2.0 – AOS: Gold Midmarket Solution Provider: Combination 2
• MCPS 2.0 – AOS: Information Worker Solutions
• MCPS 2.0 – AOS: Microsoft System Builders
• MCPS 2.0 – AOS: Network Infrastructure – Desktop Deployment AOS
• MCPS 2.0 – AOS: Server Platform Competency – active directory
• Microsoft Certified Professional
• MCSE – Cloud Platform and Infrastructure
• MS Cloud Platform – Azure
• MS Cloud Solution Architect